LEGION Simulator Help

Saving graphs

While you are working with graphs, you may wish to capture screen shots of them for use in presentations or on web pages, etc. You also have the option to save them as data files.
Note: Save graph events can also be set up on the Timeline; see Graphs track events .

To save a single graph:

  1. Right-click in the Graph Window and select Save Graph.

    The ‘Save As’ dialog is displayed.

  2. Browse to a suitable location and enter a name for the graph in the File name field.
  3. Select an appropriate file type:
    • Comma separated Files (csv)
    • Excel Files
    • JPEG (jpg)
    • Bitmap (bmp)
    • PNG (png)
  4. Click OK.

Saving all graphs

This feature enables you to save all graphs as graphic files in a specified location. You also have the option of saving their contents as data files. Even graphs that are not currently displayed in Graph Windows are saved and you can include or exclude specific graphs using the Object Directory.

Note: Save graph events can also be set up on the Timeline; see Graphs track events .

To save all graphs:

  1. On the ‘Analysis’ tab of the Object Directory, select or de-select the graphs you want to include or exclude.
  2. Right-click in a Graph Window and select Save All Graphs or select File > Save All Graphs.

    The ‘Save All Graphs’ dialog is displayed.

  3. If you wish to generate data files, check the Generate data files box and select either .xls file or .csv file from the adjacent options.
  4. Click the browse button next to the Location box and specify a location for the saved files.
    Note: csv files can be loaded into LEGION Simulator as graphs; xls files cannot be.
  5. If you wish to generate image files, check the Generate image files box.
  6. Select one of the available file formats:
    • JPEG (jpg) – specify the adjacent Quality setting (10 is the highest quality and involves the least compression).
    • Bitmap (bmp)
    • PNG (png)
  7. Select the image Size parameters:
    • Dimensions – choose from the adjacent drop-down list (includes User-defined, Fit A4 sheet and Fit PowerPoint Slide).
    • Width – if you selected User-defined for Dimensions, select cm or pixels and enter a value.
    • Height – if you selected User-defined for Dimensions, select cm or pixels and enter a value.
  8. To save image files in the same place as the data files, check Use same location as for data files.

    To save image files in another location, ensure this box is unchecked and browse to a suitable location.

  9. Click OK.

    A progress bar is displayed as the graphs are saved.

    If duplicate files are found, you will be asked whether you want to overwrite them.